Feeling Invisible?


To All of you young mothers out there I have a little quote to lift your eyes from the dishwasher loading and the laundry folding & the face & bottom  wiping  to loftier heights!

My gorgeous daughter, Carmel, loaned me a book a few years back, called  The Invisible  Woman by Nicole Johnson, which I highly recommend.

Nicole (also on Youtube, type Invisible Woman and you can hear her speak,) brings you through a journey that all moms go on but elevates it to wonder and greatness.

I’ll share the closing prayer here:

“Almighty God, who sees every sparrow, continue to teach me life’s great lessons from the world’s great cathedrals.  Make me more invisible. Strengthen my heart to do the things that no one sees or appreciates, and to do them as unto You.  Help me make personal sacrifices with no trumpet & no credit to myself.

Let me be more invisible to You, so that real love may be more clearly visible.

Let me allow humility to cloak my love at every opportunity.  And if history never knows my name, may I have helped it know Yours a little better.  Allow me to b e invisible, that the world might see you- the living God who sees and loves all invisible women. “

Nicole Johnson

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